My iOS Home Screen (November 2020 Edition)

Top Left – Utilities

App Store, Settings, Clock, Phone App Icons

App Store

I find myself in the App Store daily to peruse for any new apps or games that seem worth going a try. Also even though I have auto update on I will jump in and see if there are any pending to push the update sooner. Especially since iOS 14 I am checking for any new widgets (cough cough Overcast).


I always keep settings close by wether its my iPhone, iPad, or Mac. I feel I am always looking for it for some reason. So having it front and center is always a good thing.


Clock for my alarms and timers. Aside from quick access to update or add an alarm. I am using the built in timer function to brew coffee or tea on a daily basis or timing the grilling of a steak.


This is here to check my voicemail from all the calls I did not answer.

Middle Right – Photos & Social

Photos, Camera, Tweetbot, Instagram

Photos & Camera

Photos and Camera don’t need to much explanation and especially with the new iPhone 12 Pro.


Twitter is a daily check in for me. I hope to be posting more in the future but I read it every day. Unfortunately I may replace tweetbot with its official twitter app counterpart as Twitter has gone out of its way to handicap all third party twitter apps.



Instagram is another daily checker for both personal, hobby, and work. I have my personal private Instagram for all of my kids photos and looking at family and friends posts, I run a public BBQ Instagram @bbqwithvic where I make all sorts of bbq and grilling content as a hobby. I also help manage and make the content for my day jobs Instagram. So having on the home page is ideal.

Bottom Left – Current Daily Drivers

Huckleberry, Yahoo Fantasy, Reeder, Hey


These 4 tend to have the most turnover, this spot is whatever is my current need. So right now I have a 6 month old and Huckleberry is our app of choice for tracking all the feeding , diapers, naps etc.


Yahoo Fantasy

It’s football season and that means fantasy football so Yahoo Fantasy is a daily drive but will be replaced once the season is over.


Reeder is my current RSS reader of choice, I have been waffling between Reeder and Unread both are great apps.



Lastly on the apps front is Hey, which I recently have switched to be my new personal email. I have my likes and dislikes regarding Hey but that is a different post.



Messages & Safari

These apps are the ones I want access to regardless of what screen am i on. Messages & Safari is an app I am in all day for personal and work.


I have always been a big fan of Audiobooks and Audible is the best app and service to deliver your audiobook fix.


Overcast is my podcast app of choice for many years now. Developer Marco Arment puts a lot of heart and soul into this app and it has always been an amazing app. Some of the best features and customizable, while always being stable.



Widgets are probably my favorite new feature of iOS 14. I have TOO many on all my other screens and I am constantly checking for updates to my apps to see if they have introduced a widget. For my home screen I dialed down my stacks on stacks to 4 total.


I love the look and utility of the battery widget so that have found its home at the top right of the display for me. It is nice to always see the charge status of my iPhone, Apple Watch and AirPods at a glance.


Middle Left is the Fantastical Icon widget with todays date. I love the look of this widget and its simplicity and it beats the old badge date on the previous version of the regular icon.

Brief / Reeder Stack

My last two are in the bottom right and its the only stack on my Home Screen. This stack contains a Reeder “top story” or random story from my RSS feeds, and Brief which is an excellent current events app that keeps me update don the basics of everything going on in this crazy crazy world we live in.

Honorary Widgets on page 2

  • Things
  • Spark for work email
  • Drafts for a constant view of my “ideas” list to keep me inspired and to keep writing down my ideas
  • Carrot weather – may find itself back in a stack on my home screen in the near future. Great app and great widget


Custom made wallpaper i made in Adobe Illustrator

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